23 Dec 2013

Christmas on the Coast

Ah so relaxing. Bonny Hills, you never disappoint! So far this time it's been sunny, breezy and all-out nice. Perfect Christmas weather (for the Aussies anyway). This year is extra-special as we get to spend several weeks with P's brother David and his new Mrs... and their baby-bump! Since baby is going to be half-Indonesian, I have been grilling them for basic phases so I can one day teach Ivy to talk to her cousin/s. All I can remember so far is saying "Salamat malam!" when Ivy goes to bed. Oh well, it's a start :)

This year, we have also hired a paddle-board and we start playing tomorrow morning! I've been busting to try it (again) since last Summer and our Hawaii trip, and we will see if we love it enough, we'll just have to get one. Post-Christmas sales anyone? 

Speaking of gifts, we decided not to do any presents for the adults this year. Just the kiddies. So hence, unborn baby-bump niece/nephew and Ivy have about 1000 presents under the tree. All Ivy's going to care about is the paper (which she will eat). Still amusing for the rest of us!

Es ♥

 Some Insta's of Rainbow Beach from over the years:

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