28 Mar 2013

Feels Like Friday


Today feels like the mother of all Fridays, and it's only Thursday. But being my last day at work, it's got an epic finality about it. It's time for a whole new phase of life to begin. Hopefully Part One will include a few weeks to relax and re-group before baby gets here, but you just never know with these things! We are in for a lot of surprises in the next few months, so we can't really do much except go with the flow. And the vomit. And the crying. And hopefully lots of laughs - maybe maniacally due to lack of sleep!

Heading up to P's family for the Easter weekend, so should be able to share a few shots of the beach and our general activities. I'm gonna eat the crap outta some hot cross buns and Easter eggs... Woot!

Es ♥

P in daddy-training with our friend's bub.
The ONLY clothing item we have bought for ourselves. Our friends and family have been so generous! (P tells me that the tiny pockets are for baby's small change. Haw haw haw.
P already had the grey shirt, and our friends bought us the baby version. Classic!

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