29 Apr 2013

New Show Love

Totally in love with a TV series. It's called Justified and it's about a US Marshall from Kentucky gettin' all the bad dudes. If you've seen Deadwood, it's like a modern version of that, with Timothy Olyphant [again] as the law-man. Except it's a bit more light-hearted than Deadwood and a lot less cussin'.

It's clever, fun, there's shooting and stuff and it has Timothy Olyphant. If you don't know why that's a reason on it's own, then you should Google him. Hehe!

Es ♥

27 Apr 2013

Blogs I Follow

Got some time to kill? Like making things or furnishing your home or wardrobe? Or maybe you're like me and just like to window-shop. Either way, here are some blogs that I follow that always keep me entertained! Here are just a couple that I particularly enjoy.

A Beautiful Mess
I am quite involved with these two ladies' lives now. I have been reading their blog for a while. Originally it was only Elsie, as we read about her crafts, her boutique thrift shop/ cafe in Missouri, her marriage to a musician and her daily goings on. Now her sister Emma has joined her officially, having started as a baker of sweet things in their shop/cafe. Elsie and Emma have different tones of writing, which is refreshing. They write books (photography how-to's), host workshops, own their own store and do features for other companies. They follow their dreams which is very inspiring. Have a look sometime!

SF Girl By Bay
Interior designer Victoria Smith is based in San Fran (dah), and her features are always inspiring for the home. Her choices are always classy and the businesses she recommends are always top-notch. Not really designs that I can do at this stage, but when we buy a place, that might be a different story.

Her Library Adventures
Sophie is an Aussie gal with a very personal blog that is full of vintage purchases, thrift shop outfits, craft, books and little outings. She took a break from blogging due to a miscarriage, but she is now pregnant again. You really do get emotionally involved sometimes. I was so thrilled for for her and her partner when I read she was pregnant again. All in all, her blog is very honest and gentle.

House of Humble
Another Aussie blog! Katie and Reuben have chosen a simple life, with the goal to reduce their environmental impact. Their blog talks about sustainable living, new home renovations, their move from big cities (Bris and Syd) to a small town, their pets, craft etc. They are a sweet couple and their blog is always nice to read.

A Cup of Jo
A heard about Jo in a newspaper article about blogging and the new style of writing that it offers. Jo was featured due to her honest writing about her post-natal depression experience. I started following her and her blog is a nice mix of recipes, featured businesses (clothes, interiors), mother experiences, loves, fears, social etiquette and more. She lives in New York and really her life is pretty different to mine, but I like her style.


Es ♥  

26 Apr 2013

Bonding with dad

Bub gets a lot of time with dad cos he's (thankfully) got a month off for new dad time. Here's the two of them having 'tummy time'. Cutest.

25 Apr 2013

Anzac Day

Being home all-day allows me a lot of time to watch TV. Today was great though because it was all ANZAC day specials. I love watching the marching, the services, hearing the bagpipes and the bugle. Very special to give thanks on a day like today. I think next year I might go to a dawn service. Bundle up the bub and go pay our respects. Then go the pub for 2-up? I love our country!

Es ♥

22 Apr 2013


Today I went to the shops. By myself. Technically, that's the first time in 9 months, as I've had Ivy in me since last year. Was a pretty big outing (not really) - I bought a few groceries and a soy chai. It felt pretty good. I wasn't worried about bub (she was asleep anyway) which was a nice surprise.

Here's to more free moments!

Es xx

21 Apr 2013

Wall Art

We want to hang something above our bed. We don't own our place, but still it would be nice to put up for a while, then it can move with us next time. Anyway, our bedroom decor is not going to change much in the next few years, so the art should last a bit.

We were thinking of options and came up with a few ideas: portrait of us, abstract work, decorative hanging (cloth or bunting etc.), but we decided on a photograph of somewhere we have been. I think we're pretty set on choosing something from our trip to Tasmania a couple of years ago. There are many options out there to print onto board, canvas, paper so any option would work well for us.

As you can see, it's a bit bare! We have a dark, Indonesian-wood bed frame, matching side tables, chrome desk lamps and usually earthy tones for our bed sheets and pillows. So an equally earthy, natural and relaxed vibe from our picture would be good.

Here are some options for Tassie pictures. Having a lot of trouble deciding. Any thoughts?

Es ♥

19 Apr 2013

A New Addition!

So, it's been a week since my last post. Now considering that I have only ever missed a day so far in this blog, a week seems excessive, right? Careless? Well, I better have a damn good excuse...

Last Friday, 12th April at 6.35pm, we welcomed a little baby girl into our lives. Allow me to introduce our Ivy.

As you can imagine, we are both totally besotted with her. All she does is eat, sleep and poo, but she is the best thing ever. We have been inundated with love from family and friends, which has been amazing. I feel so blessed at this time in my life.

I promise not to post endlessly about her. Not only because that would make this blog super boring, but also to protect a little of our privacy. Also, I am still enjoying sharing recipes, projects, funnies and whatever else comes to mind! Stay tuned for more postings.

Es ♥ 

11 Apr 2013


I'm not a religious person, but then I don't think you have to be in order to act out some of the rituals. Like the ritual of giving thanks. Sometimes I like to just sit back and take stock of all the things I'm thankful for, because when all things are considered, I got it real good. Ok, so I've worked hard for a lot of it so I've somewhat earned good times. In other ways, I've just been lucky. Regardless, it's nice to just switch off technology, put down the book and just think about how grateful I am for all of this. I'm not always glass-half-full, but I do know when the odds are in my favour. And that's kinda often. I maintain these odds in a few ways; I take care of my health, I keep busy with things that benefit others and I keep away from people who bring me down. It's not a complicated recipe. I'm better with simple things. Maybe that's why I'm not so religious - too many rules and rituals complicated by centuries of historical context. I can't really be bothered to learn it all. Just give me a sunny day and a nice place to sit and I've got a smile on my face. Oh and puppies. I love puppies.

Es xox

10 Apr 2013

A Home Hair Cut

Not what you're thinking! I do not trust myself to cut my own hair. There was one afternoon at work where I did consider it - enough to look up some youtube videos even. But I came to my senses. I do not have any hair cutting skills, my hair is super thick and unworkable, and likely it would have been a total disaster.

But I did need a hair cut. Badly. I think about 1/3 of my hair was split ends. *shudder*

As I was net-searching for some local snippers, I came across Patricia. She works in the inner west, she's cheaper than other stylists and she only uses organic products. Um, sent from hair heaven?? I called her up, and on Monday she came to my place with all her gear and washed, trimmed and blow-dried my hair. All for $60 (for a gal's cut in Sydney, that is incredible value I think). There was no mess, she was really lovely to talk to and I didn't have to leave my apartment for a minute. Most importantly, my hair looks fab. Just a trim and style, but she did exactly what I asked for.

So if you're looking for a hair cut and  you're through with your current stylist, I reckon you should shop around for a home-cut option. Often cheaper as they're not paying salon-rent and (I can't stress this enough) you don't need to leave your freaking house!

Why haven't I worked this out years ago?!

Es ♥

9 Apr 2013

Amazing Brownies

This is not a picture of me. But the brownies are true to life!
I made these: Bestever Brownies. They are amazing. Like, cafe-quality amazing.

Don't be put off by all the words on the page; I guess the author wanted to make sure you get it right!
Weirdly, they're almost gluten-free; with only 85g flour and 40g cocoa. The bulk of the weight is eggs + raw sugar, all whipped up. The result is soft, chewy, chocolaty ridiculousness.

Surely a hit for any afternoon tea.

Es ♥

7 Apr 2013

Wedding Fun Times!

Really, really, really loved Brooke and Matt's wedding. It was just so simply elegant, honest, beautiful, colourful and tasty. 

They are just such a genuine couple, and their special day totally reflected this. Only took a few pics, but they give a good impression. Great times... enjoy your honeymoon B and M!

Es ♥

5 Apr 2013

The Over App for Photo Editing

Sometimes it's nice to give some extra meaning to a quote or word with an image, and this seems to be have a bit more impact when the words are on the picture itself.

Anyhoo, there's a cool app called 'Over' which edits words to go over images. Gives a nice effect. Could be good for cards, emails or website things. Either way, it's fun. Here are some I've played with ...

Es ♥

4 Apr 2013

New Books

Just finished Anna Karenina and was temporarily book-less... but a delivery came just in time!

Very excited to get reading the Game of Thrones series. Have seen seasons one and two of the TV series already, but want to get cracking on the books too. Have been told by many reliable sources that they're awesome.

Happy reading days are ahead!

Es ♥

Blue Mountains Day!

It's nice having time off. Really nice. Mum and I decided to head up to the mountains today. Although we had an unseasonably warm March, April has come with a new 'fresh' temperature drop and it certainly was chilly up in the hills! 12 degrees in fact! Mum and I bought the 'essential lamb's wool rug' for bub, went antique shopping, had lunch, had coffee, visited the all-important lolly shop then came home. It rained all the way, but was such a lurvley day out. Maternity leave rocks!

Es ♥

3 Apr 2013

Irish Soda Bread

I LOVE Irish Soda Bread. I used to work at Bowen Island Organic Bakery in Drummoyne (they're still going strong!) and their soda bread was amazing. I have since had a few go's at baking it, and surprise surprise, it's really easy! I use this recipe and it works like a charm. The other night I decided to split up the dough into rolls rather than one loaf, and just baked them for 20 minutes rather than 35-40.

And here is the result! Tasty, tasty bread. Irish Soda Bread is an acquired taste; somewhat nutty and certainly very dense. Bowen Island make a fruit version which is amazing.

I have another bread recipe to try soon - just a Crusty White Bread one (very basic), but done in the crock-pot in the oven. I'll be sure to post how it goes. How great is fresh bread?!?!!

Es ♥

2 Apr 2013

Bump Photo Shoot

Well, we got our photos back from the shoot in Centennial Park! I think they're lovely. We are very thankful to the lovely Jac from Selah Photography. It was such a fun day and she made it feel very natural. In a little while, we will have her back over to take pics of our bub. Such a fun time!

Es ♥